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Coordinator Resources

17 articles

How to Find and Register for a Healing Group (New Users)

Step 1: Visit and click on “Find a Group” under the “Small Groups” menu.Step 2: Search for healing group event by any of the following filters: Date Location Online or In-Person Type of Event: Click on “Healing Group” box and click “Apply” Step 3: Click on the...

How to Become a Healing Group Leader – Initial Steps

Step 1: Visit and click on “Lead a Group” under the “Small Groups” menu. Step 2: Search for an initial equipping session by: Date Location Online or In-Person Type of Event: Click on “Equipping Session - Initial” box and click “Apply” Step 3: Click on the equ...

Facilitators: How to Create a Healing Group Event

NOTE: The THI website does not collect payments for event registrations. If you need to collect payments or gather specific registration details, consider using a platform like EventBrite. You can link your EventBrite registration within your event listing.Step 1: From your dashboard, click on “My E...

Facilitators: Find Materials (Healing Group)

This option is available to those who have listed their event on the THI Events Page. Any materials for the event that you listed will auto-populate as suggestions in this tab. If did not add your event to the THI Events page, please see Step 1 (Materials Library Alternative) below:Step 1: Click on ...

Facilitators: Have Someone Register and View Participants (Healing Group)

There are several benefits to using the event registration functionality on the THI website. These benefits include: 1. Your participant’s email address and first/last name will automatically be added to the THI database. 2. After submitting their email address via the registration, they will a...

Facilitators: Reporting (Healing Group)

Step 1: There are two paths for reporting below: For events not posted on the events page: Click "My Reporting," then "Healing Group," and finally "Report an Event." For events posted on the events page: Your activity will automatically appear under "Unreported Events" after the event is completed...

Facilitators: Create Initial Equipping Session Event

The THI website does not collect payments for event registrations. If you need to collect payments or gather specific registration details, consider using a platform like EventBrite. You can link your EventBrite registration on the event page.Step 1: From your dashboard, click on “My Events”.Step 2:...

Facilitators: Find Materials (Initial Equipping)

This option is available to those who have listed their event on the THI Events Page. Any materials for the event that you listed will auto-populate as suggestions in this tab. If did not add your event to the THI Events page, please see Step 1 (Materials Library Alternative) below.Step 1: Click on ...

Facilitators: Have Someone Register and View Participants (Initial Equipping)

There are several benefits to using the event registration functionality on the THI website. These benefits include:1. Your participant’s email address and first/last name will automatically be added to the THI database. 2. After submitting their email address via the registration, they will a...

Facilitators: Reporting (Initial Equipping)

Step 1: Click on “My Reporting”, then click “Equipping Session”, then click “Report an event”. Step 2: Fill out the event information step 1 of 3 and click “Save and next”.Step 3: Add the participants’ email addresses if they did NOT register on the events page. If they register on the events page, ...

Facilitators: Create Advanced Equipping Session Event

Step 1: From your dashboard, click on “My Events”.Step 2: Click on the “Add Event” button. Step 3: Fill in your event details making sure to include the correct event type and click the “Create Event” button. Your event will then be viewable in your “My Events” section and by search under the “Eve...

Facilitators: Find Materials (Advanced Equipping)

This option is available to those who have listed their event on the THI Events Page. Any materials for the event that you listed will auto-populate as suggestions in this tab. If did not add your event to the THI Events page, please see Step 1 (Materials Library Alternative) below.Step 1: Click on ...

Facilitators: Have Someone Register (Advanced Equipping)

Step 1: To have someone register for your event, you can copy the registration link from the “Event details” page.Step 2: To see those who have registered for your event, go to “My Events”.Step 3: Click on the event and look at the “participants” section.

Facilitators: Reporting (Advanced Equipping)

Step 1: Click on “My Reporting”, then “Equipping Session” and then “Report an event”.Step 2: Fill out the event information step 1 of 3 and click “Save and next”Step 3: Add the participants’ email addresses if they did NOT register on the events page. If they register on the events page, the partici...

Facilitator vs. Coordinator Views

Only those designated as “Coordinator” have access to the “healing bulk upload” on the reporting page. Facilitators cannot see or utilize this functionality.

Coordinators & Master Facilitators: How to Search for Facilitators in the THI Database

Step 1: You can search for facilitators in The THI Database by using their primary email, contact name, or both. From the “facilitators” tab click on “facilitators search” view on the left-hand side of the screen in the ‘Views’ menu. Input the primary email or contact or both and click “execute quer...

Coordinators: Reporting for Facilitators in a Country

Step 1: For reporting facilitators within a country, click on “Facilitators” tab on the top navigation. Then click “Facilitator: location, language, level” table view on the left-hand panel. Step 2: Within this search you can specify the reporting information by “Country”, “Certifications”, and “Dat...