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What is a Healing Group? How can I experience one?

Healing Groups are small groups led by a trained facilitators, using material that the Trauma Healing Institute provides. These groups help participants identify their heart wounds and find healing through a combination of Scripture engagement, participatory learning, and basic mental health helping skills. To attend a Healing Group, go to our Events Page. Use the filter on the top of the Events Page to sort for Healing Groups. When you see a Healing Group you want to attend and click on it, you will see more information and how to register. If you have my questions about a specific event, please email the contact person listed on the event as they would have details pertaining to that event. Trauma Healing Institute is only advertising the event on their behalf.

Once you have completed a Healing Group, you could choose to be trained as a facilitator by taking a Facilitator/Certification Training or Logistics Session. For more information on this training, go to the "Trainings" category.

In the meantime, we would like to share this resource with you on How to Lament. We pray that it helps you cry out to God in the midst of your pain.