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3 articles

How do I get trained to become a certified Trauma Healing facilitator?

We are excited to help you start your Trauma Healing journey! Please check out our Events Page for all of our upcoming events. There are two ways that you could get started:1) Experience a Healing Group. This will give you a sense of what a Healing Group is like as a participant, and help you decide...

How can I become certified as a Children's or Teens Trauma Healing Facilitator?

Currently, Children's and/or Teens Trauma Healing trainings are limited. Any available trainings will be posted to our Events Page. Use the filter functionality to find a Children's or Teen's Initial Equipping opportunity.

I recently led an Equipping Session. How do my trainees get access to the THI Website?

First, you, as the trainer, MUST report the Equipping Session to the THI Database. Failure to do this will result in your new Apprentice Facilitators not having the appropriate level of access to the Materials Library on the THI Website. To report your equipping session, follow the instructions out...