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THI Website and Technology Support

7 articles

How do I create a THI website account for the first time?

Welcome to the Trauma Healing Institute! Please follow the instructions below to set up your account for the first time. Visit and click "Login" in the top right corner. On the log in screen, select "Sign Up" In the email field, enter an email address that you actively u...

How do I reset my password?

Please follow the steps below to reset your password. THI is unable to reset your password for you. Visit and click "Login" on the top right corner of the screen. You'll be taken to the log in page where you can click "Don't remember your password?" Enter your email add...

I'm a THI facilitator but my certifications aren't showing up properly in my profile. What do I do?

All of your certifications are attached to the primary email address you have on file with THI. As a reminder, your primary email address is the email you originally used to set up your THI account. There are a couple different reasons why this could be happening. We recommend taking the steps outli...

I think I may have more than one account associated with THI. What should I do?

THI highly recommends that every individual only has one registered account with one primary email address. Your email address is your username to access the THI Website and the THI Mobile App. If you think you may have more than one account, please send us an email at support@traumahealinginstitut...

How do I submit an event on the THI Events Calendar?

We are so pleased to provide the THI Community a calendar where trained facilitators can post upcoming activities they are planning! To create an event on the THI Events Calendar, please follow the instructions outlined in this document: Creating and Managing an Event on the THI Calendar. Please not...

How do I submit a healing group report on the THI website?

Congratulations on completing your healing group! The THI Website offers the tools you need to easily submit a healing group report. Please follow the steps outlined in this document: How to Submit a Healing Group Report on the THI Website. As a note, as of April 30, 2024, all reporting must be done...

How do I submit an Equipping Session Report on the THI Website?

To submit an Initial or Advanced Equipping Session on the THI Website, please follow the instructions outlined in "How to Report an Equipping Session on the THI Website".