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Support articles related to accessing and using training materials
5 articles

Does THI have any promotional videos online I can use to promote or explain who THI is and what resources THI offers?

Yes! We have many different types of promotional videos that can be accessed. You can find THI's promotional videos on THI's YouTube Channel. There are a couple different options:Option 1: Visit and search for "Trauma Healing Institute" Or click this link to be taken directly to THI's ch...

How do I translate, contextualize, or publish a THI material or resource?

Thank you for your interest in translating, contextualizing, or publishing our Trauma Healing Institute materials or resources! Please send an email to [email protected] to start a conversation about your request. Materials cannot be translated, contextualized, or published withou...

I am looking for a certain translation or resource on the THI facilitator website but can't find it. What should I do?

All published THI materials and translations are located on our THI facilitator website. If you are looking for a certain material, resource, or translation and do not see it on our THI facilitator website, please contact [email protected]

Where can I order Trauma Healing books and resources?

You can order Trauma Healing books and resources directly from Use the search bar at the top of the website to enter "Trauma Healing." Please note: manages these book sales, not Trauma Healing Institute. If you have any questions, or want to place an international order, pleas...

Does THI have any free Trauma Healing resources that can be used without formal training?

Yes! We have free crisis response resources and free basic Trauma Healing resources, all of which can be used without formal THI training and certification.